Remember the inning that wasn't in Saturday's Petaluma City Junior Division Little League Championship game? The game ended in a 5.5 inning win* for Brodies (Petaluma Valley Little League).
Turns out the inning really wasn't played after all. The manager of the Petaluma Valley team emailed that upon reviewing their book, an inning was "jumped" and he apologized for the confusion.
So we'll never know if the PALL team had a come-from-behind win in them Saturday and another win on Sunday to end the season 3-0 against Brodies and take home the flag. Likely ? Perhaps not. But these are 13 and 14 year old kids and trust me, ANYthing can happen over the course of a complete game.
There's a saying that "the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little extra". The Umpire is the only one paid to be there. And likely, one of the few without a personal stake in the game. If it's not part of their job to keep track of the number of innings played on that little card they record substituions on, then here's another suggestion. Next year, perhaps the Leagues will take the extra step of providing an official scorekeeper for the Championship Game(s). Or at least a scorekeeper table where the home and visitor books sit together and cross check little things as the game progresses. So the little things don't become big things that can impact the outcome. We volunteers all make mistakes. Let's make it easier to catch 'em before it's too late.
Braves Chairman: Team Has “Dry Powder” To Add Payroll
The Braves enter Spring Training with a luxury tax payroll around $230MM,
according to the RosterResource calculations. That puts them about $11MM
shy of t...
2 hours ago
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Give PTownFan a shout. It will make her day to know there is someone out there ;-) Don't worry. She doesn't always talk about herself in the third person like The Rickey.
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