They'd be a sure fire hit on Santa Rosan Guy Fieri's “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives” show on Food Network. A great way for a PTown Snack Shack posing as a DD&D to break onto the scene.
If you're wondering what's got PTown's pheathers all phlustered, grab a hanky and a beer and keep reading.
Not only was PTown's Jonny Gomes pruned from the Red's 25 man for Opening Day, he was passed over for the 40 man as well. Got to tell you I did not see that coming. Especially in light of a well placed "little bird" twittering into the ear of a Hall Of Fame reporter that Gomes had made the team a few weeks back. I worried that his near drought of hits the last ten days of Camp might bump him to the longer list. I sure didn't think leading the team in home runs and co-owning the RBI title at the end of Spring Training would be rewarded with a Major League pink slip. Guess it doesn't pay to be an aircraft carrier engine in a fleet of jet skis. Guess the Reds are 100% committed to small ball and defensive excellence. Sometimes it's nice to get runs two or three at a time and the club is pretty light in their ability to do that on any given day. We'll have to see how well that works out for them.
Phurther perturbing PTownFan (and REALLY fowling her mood) is the Detroit Tigers' Organization. Seems our perfectly delightful and multi-talented Louis Ott was lacking some ingredient considered essential to the Powers That Be. TigsTown.com is reporting that Sweet Lou's services are no longer needed. We'll have an ear to the ground to see where he turns up... because he will turn up in Pro Ball somewhere.
Seven stages of grief. I am a bit stuck on "Anger" but looking to move toward "Acceptance". Cooking has always been very therapeutic for me ;-)
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Give PTownFan a shout. It will make her day to know there is someone out there ;-) Don't worry. She doesn't always talk about herself in the third person like The Rickey.
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